Frequently Asked Questions

What is your cancellation policy?

You can request a refund within 7 days of the event start date. Please contact us at to process your refund.

Can I change my event dates later?

Yes, you can add an event date at any time. Please note that you can only request a refund within 7 days of the event start date.

How do I change my personal information on file?

To update your name, email address and other personal information, please contact our administrative team.

How does billing work?

We have a simple billing system which keeps track of your purchases and donations electronically. If you require a hard copy receipt, please let us know in advance.

Where does the event take place?

This year’s City Classic takes place at the Milstein Family Tennis Center on the
Columbia University Baker Athletics Complex. The address is 575 West 218th Street, New York, NY 10034.

Click here for a detailed map and directions.

Is the venue accessible?

Please contact us to request disability accommodations.

Can I get an invoice for my purchase?

Yes, you can. Please provide your purchase confirmation number after the event and we will generate an invoice for you.

Is parking available at the venue?

The nearest parking options are located at 517 West 218th Street; 505 West 218th Street; 4036 10th Avenue; 4055 10th Avenue; 3976 10th Avenue; between Isham and Post Avenue on 10th Avenue; and at West 218th Street and 10th Avenue.

    Can I get a tax write-off?

    The City Classic benefits Serve and Return Inc. based in Plainview, New York, United States. It is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

    Please speak to a certified financial professional for more information.

    Are pets or children allowed?

    Unfortunately, due to the nature of the event and the venue, children are not allowed on the courts at the City Classic.

    Only trained service animals will be allowed at the venue.

    Still have questions?

    Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Let’s chat.